Gatus v. SSS (G.R. No. 174725; January 26, 2011)

CASE DIGEST: ALEXANDER B. GATUS v. SOCIAL SECURITY SYSTEM. (G.R. No. 174725; January 26, 2011) FACTS: Gatus worked at the Central Azucarera de Tarlac beginning on January 1, 1972. He was a covered member of the SSS. He optionally retired from Central Azucarera de Tarlac upon reaching 30 years of service on January 31, 2002, at the age of 62 years.By the time of his retirement, he held the position of Tender assigned at the Distillery Cooling Tower. Sometime in 1995, he was diagnosed to be suffering from Coronary Artery Disease (CAD): Triple Vessel and Unstable Angina. His medical records showed him to be hypertensive for 10 years and a smoker. On account of his CAD, he was given by the SSS the following EC/SSS Permanent Partial Disability (PPD) benefits: (a) 8 monthly pensions effective September 1, 1994 and (b) 4 monthly pensions effective January 3, 1997. He became an SSS retirement pensioner on February 1, 2002. Sometime in 2003, an SSS audit revealed the need to r...