Actions to recover property

[1] Accion interdictal. An accion interdictal is an ejectment suit. It may be in the form of forcible entry or unlawful detainer. It's a real action. It's in personam. The issue is possession de facto. The basis is prior physical possession, which prescribes in one (1) year.

[2] Accion publiciana. Accion publician is a plenary action to recover possession de fact (after one [1] year) or de jure. It's a real action. It's in personam. The basis is real right of possession, which prescribes in ten (10) years.

[3] Accion reivindicatoria. Accion reivindicatoria is an action to recover ownership of real property. It's a real action. It's in personam. The purpose is to recover ownership and, as a result, possession. The basis is ownership, which prescribes in ten (10) years if possession is in good faith or in thirty (30) years if possession is in bad faith. Prescription does not run against an owner of land registered under the Torrens system. However, laches may set in even if land is registered.

[4] Reconveyance. An action for reconveyance is a real action aimed at recovering title to property. It is in personam. The basis is ownership, which prescribes in 10 years.

[5] Quieting of title. An action to quiet title or to remove cloud is a real action which is quasi-in-rem in nature. The purpose is to remove any cloud on title or to prevent any cloud from being cast on title. The basis is ownership, which is imprescriptible.

[5] Replevin. An action for replevin is a personal action that aims the recovery of possession of personal property. It is in personam. The basis is ownership, which prescribes in four (4) years if possession is in good faith and in eight (8) years if possession is in bad faith.