This was a question raised Ms. Gilda Flores on August 30, 2017 at 4:06PM on Facebook. Honestly, it is a good question and should be asked in the Bar. Before we answer the question, we should notice that it is an unqualified question which may require a qualified answer. Hence, we should use the it-depends response. Also note that this appears to be a civil law question. More particularly, it involves the law on property. However, this question may also be viewed through the lenses of the law on intellectual property regarding the contents of the letter (RA 8293, Section 178.6). IMPORTANT NOTE! Opinion has been expressed that the word "wrote" has, in its ordinary use, the meaning of "write and deliver," as in, "She wrote me a letter last month. I have not responded yet." In view of this, the SUGGESTED ANSWER answer below may suffer some inaccuracies. SUGGESTED ANSWER: A owns the letter. Under the law on property, ownership is transferred, amon...