Jurisdiction v. Venue


POWER. Treats of the power of the Court to decide a case on the merits
SUBSTANCE. A matter of substantive law
NON-WAIVABILITY. May not be conferred by consent through waiver upon a court
RELATIONSHIP. Establishes a relation between the court and the subject matter
LEGAL NOT VOLUNTARY. Fixed by law and cannot be conferred by the parties
MOTU PROPRIO. Lack of jurisdiction over the subject matter is a ground for a motu propio dismissal

PLACE. The place where the suit may be filed. (In criminal actions – in criminal cases, jurisdictional)
PROCEDURE. A matter of procedural law
WAIVABILITY. May be waived, except in criminal cases
RELATIONSHIP. Establishes a relation between plaintiff and defendant, or petitioner and respondent
VOLUNTARY. May be conferred by the act or agreement of the parties
MOTION. Not a ground for a motu propio dismissal except in cases subject to summary procedure