Statutes may NOT be repealed by administrative directives
Moreover, Administrative Order No. 3 is a directive for executive judges and clerks of courts which, under its preliminary paragraph is [i]n line with the responsibility of an Executive Judge, under Administrative Order No. 6, dated June 30, 1975, for the management of courts within his administrative area, included in which is the task of supervising directly the work of the Clerk of Court, who is also the Ex-Oficio Sheriff, and his staff, x x x Surely, a petition for foreclosure with the notary public is not within the contemplation of the aforesaid directive as the same is not filed with the court. At any rate, Administrative Order No. 3 cannot prevail over Act No. 3135, as amended. It is an elementary principle in statutory construction that a statute is superior to an administrative directive and the former cannot be repealed or amended by the latter. [G.R. No. 121158. December 5, 1996]