Downloadable Taxation Law Books (PDF, e-books & EPUB)
Title: Taxation Simplified
Author: Atty. Angelina Arandia-Villanueva
Publisher: Central Professional Books, Inc.
ISBN: 971-691-299-4
No. Of Pages: 459
Size: 9"x11"
Edition: 2004
Description: In response to the long-left need for a simplified, less technical textbook and reviewer in Taxation, the author has compiled all her notes, lectures and researches in her more than a decade of teaching Taxation in the UE College of Law and about two decades in the College of Business Administration. Recently appointed Dean Antonio R. Tupaz of the UE College of Law has been primarily instrumental in the writing and printing of this book, as a condition/qualification of Law professors to be professorial chair holders.
Title: The Tax Navigator
Publisher: Central Book Supply Inc.
ISBN: 978-971-011-695-9
No. Of Pages: 258
Size: 6 x 9
Edition: 2013
Description: The Tax Navigator, Second Edition stays true to its original approach of presenting the concepts and principles of tax laws in a simplified manner for students to easily comprehend. The second edition, however, expands its scope by incorporating not only landmark jurisprudence but new decisions of the High Court. Designed as an easy reference material, it provides an overview of the intertwining concepts that define the nature and operation of tax laws in our country.
Title: Bar Reviewer In Taxation
Author: Dean Joe B. Bisquera
Publisher: Central Books Inc.,
ISBN: 978-971-691-489-4
Size: 6"X9"
Edition: 2007 Edition
Title: National Internal Revenue Code of 1997 Annotated Volume 2
Author: Antonio I. Ortega
Publisher: Central Book Supply, Inc.
ISBN: 971-0354-95-7
No. Of Pages: 1040
Size: 9 x 11
Edition: First Edition, 2006
Description: This book contains some of the author’s critiques on some rules and regulations or some court decisions in his attempt to raise the reader’s level of awareness or deep understanding of certain provisions of the National Internal Revenue Code. At certain length, this book attempts to inform the reader of the ruling, whether judicial or administrative, or the underlying doctrine of the tax law at issue. These critiques are either in the form of schools of thought, notes or commentary