E: Compilation of All Legal Doctrines in the Philippines

Election of Remedies
Equitable Recoupment
Equivalents Test
Estoppel by Laches
Executive Privilege
Executive Prerogative
Exhaustion of Administrative Remedies
Exercise of Jurisdiction
Error of Jurisdiction
Entry of Judgment
Error in Extremis
Enrolled Bill
Ex Post Facto
Ejusdem Generis
Efficient Intervening Cause
Economic Duress
Ex Parte
Exclusive Economic Zone
Excessive Entanglement
Exclusionary Rule
Error in Personae
Entertainment Expenses
Eminent Domain
Equal Protection
Emergency Powers
Estoppel by Acquiescence
Ex Contractu
Ex Delicto
Ex Officio
Exempting Circumstance
Exculpatory Evidence
Evidence Aliunde
Expressio Unius Est Exclusio Alterius
En Banc
Expressum Facit Cessare Tacitum
Earnest Money
Ei incumbit probatio qui dicit, non qui negat
Election Notice
Electoral Tribunal
El que es causa de la causa es causa del mal causado
Entrapment (vs. Instigation)
Equitable Mortgage
Equitable Lease
Employer-Employee Relationship
Efficient Intervening Cause
Economic Duress
Ex Parte
Exclusive Economic Zone
Excessive Entanglement
Exclusionary Rule
Error in Personae
Entertainment Expenses
Eminent Domain
Equal Protection
Emergency Powers
Estoppel by Acquiescence
Ex Contractu
Ex Delicto
Ex Officio
Exempting Circumstance
Exculpatory Evidence
Evidence Aliunde
Expressio Unius Est Exclusio Alterius
En Banc
Expressum Facit Cessare Tacitum
Earnest Money
Ei incumbit probatio qui dicit, non qui negat
Election Notice
Electoral Tribunal
El que es causa de la causa es causa del mal causado
Entrapment (vs. Instigation)
Equitable Mortgage
Equitable Lease
Employer-Employee Relationship