30-item true-or-false quiz in political law

[1] The Constitution's Article I on national territory is binding upon all other states.
[2] An archipelago is a body of water studded with islands.
[3] The phrase "all other territories over which the Philippines has sovereignty or jurisdiction" under Article I refers only to those belonging to the Philippines at the time of the adoption of the 1987 Constitution.
[4] US military bases are not a part of the Philippine territory.
[5] The straight baseline method was used in the Treaty of Paris of 1898 between the US and Spain.
[6] Cory Aquino was a de facto President of the Philippines.
[7] The activity of the City of Makati of giving free coffins to poor families and giving free birthday cakes to senior citizens is a ministrant function.
[8] A government that usurps by force or by voice of majority creates a de jure government.
[9] Gloria Arroyo established a de facto government after EDSA DOS (ouster of Erap Estrada).
[10] During the interregnum, the time when there was no constitution in force after the ouster of Marcos in 1986, the right against unreasonable searches and seizures could not be invoked in courts.
[11] The manifestation of republicanism and democracy in the Philippines is the people vote for their representatives.
[12] The Constitution prohibits all forms of war.
[13] A treaty becomes part of the law of the land via doctrine of incorporation.
[14] Customary international law, that rule of behavior that all civilized nations observe, forms part of the law of the land by incorporation.
[15] The Constitution affirms amity with all nations. This means that diplomatic missions from other countries are automatically recognized.
[16] The Constitution affirms amity with all nations. One of the limitations is the doctrine of reciprocity.
[17] The Constitution affirms amity with all nations. This means that the US Government can purchase as many pieces of land in the Philippines.
[18] The manifestation that civilian authority is supreme over the military is that the President, a civilian, is the commander-in-chief of the Armed Forces of the Philippines.
[19] When called upon by law to render mandatory military service, people can invoke their religious belief as a ground to escape liability.
[20] "Conscientious objection" must be invoked with sincerity and in good faith.
[21] A boxer who wants to evade the draft (mandatory military service) can successfully invoke his freedom of religion and conscience.
[22] The Philippines adheres to the principle of benevolent neutrality which allows a government employee to live as husband and wife with a person who is, in fact, married but separated de facto for a long time, as long as their sincere religious belief permits this setup and as long as no compelling state policy is violated.
[23] The Philippines adheres to the strict separationist approach in state-church relations.
[24] The three-pronged test permits the government to print commemorative stamps with the face of the Pope of the Catholic Church.
[25] The leader of a church or religious group -- who asked for donations from members to renovate the chapel but actually used the money to buy his own car -- cannot be sued in court by reason of the principle of church-state separation.
[26] In case of conflict between a new treaty duly-transformed and an old law, the old law shall prevail because statutes are superior to treaties.
[27] It is unconstitutional for the government to promote or distribute abortifacients under the guise of reproductive health.
[28] The right to healthful and balanced ecology and the right to health are self-executing.
[29] The duty of the government to full disclosure of matters and transactions involving public interest is self-executing.
[30] The prohibition on political dynasties is self-executing.