The Mace: Symbol of Congress' Authority

The Sergeant-at-Arms, custodian of the mace, is charged with its use when necessary to preserve order. When the occasion calls for it, or when there is disorder in the session hall, he shall lift the mace from its pedestal and present it before an unruly member in order to restore order or quell boisterous behavior in the Chamber.
SOURCES: "Symbols of Authority". Senate of the Philippines;;
The mace symbolizes the legislative authority of the House of Representatives.
As stipulated in Section 165 of the House Rules, it is displayed at the foot
of the Speaker's rostrum whenever the House is in session and is used by the
Sergeant-at-Arms in to enforce order in the House upon the Speaker's
instruction. The Sergeant-at-Arms has the custody of the mace.
In accordance with the House Rules, on the rare occasion that a member becomes
unruly, the Sergeant at Arms, upon order of the Speaker, lifts the mace from
its pedestal and presents it before the offenders, thereby restoring order.
The mace was used to restore order on the House floor on May 26, 2004, during
the joint session of Congress to approve the proposed rules on the canvassing
of votes for the recently concluded presidential and vice-presidential
elections. This is after Maguindanao representative Didagen Dilangalen and
presiding officer and then Deputy Speaker Raul Gonzalez had a verbal tussle
when the latter refused to discipline an observer in the gallery who sent
Dilangalen a note that says "shut up" while interpellating Senate Majority
Floor Leader Francis Pangilinan. (Christine O. AvendaƱo and Cynthia D. Balana
(26 May 2004). "Uproar over note postpones, Congress vote on canvass".
Philippine Daily Inquirer. Archived from the original on 21 June 2004.
Retrieved 2 October 2020.)