Place of filing return, payment of estate tax
In case of a RESIDENT decedent, the administrator or executor shall register the estate of the decedent and secure a new TIN therefor from the Revenue District Office where the decedent was DOMICILED at the time of his death and shall file the estate tax return and pay the corresponding estate tax with the Accredited Agent Bank (AAB), Revenue District Officer or Revenue Collection Officer having jurisdiction on the place where the decedent was domiciled at the time of his death, whichever is applicable, following prevailing collection rules and procedures.
In case of a NON-RESIDENT decedent, whether non-resident citizen or non-resident alien, with executor or administrator in the Philippines, the estate tax return shall be filed with and the TIN for the estate shall be secured from the Revenue District Office where such EXECUTOR OR ADMINISTRATOR is registered: Provided, however, that in case the executor or administrator is not registered, the estate tax return shall be filed with and the TIN of the estate shall be secured from the Revenue District Office having jurisdiction over the executor or administrator’s LEGAL RESIDENCE (AKA DOMICILE). Nonetheless, in case the non-resident decedent does not have an executor or administrator in the Philippines, the estate tax return shall be filed with and the TIN for the estate shall be secured from the Office of the Commissioner through RDO No. 39-South Quezon City.
The foregoing provisions notwithstanding, the Commissioner of Internal Revenue may continue to exercise his power to allow a different venue/place in the filing of tax returns. (Section 9[8], Revenue Regulation No. 12-2018. January 25, 2018)
In case of a NON-RESIDENT decedent, whether non-resident citizen or non-resident alien, with executor or administrator in the Philippines, the estate tax return shall be filed with and the TIN for the estate shall be secured from the Revenue District Office where such EXECUTOR OR ADMINISTRATOR is registered: Provided, however, that in case the executor or administrator is not registered, the estate tax return shall be filed with and the TIN of the estate shall be secured from the Revenue District Office having jurisdiction over the executor or administrator’s LEGAL RESIDENCE (AKA DOMICILE). Nonetheless, in case the non-resident decedent does not have an executor or administrator in the Philippines, the estate tax return shall be filed with and the TIN for the estate shall be secured from the Office of the Commissioner through RDO No. 39-South Quezon City.
The foregoing provisions notwithstanding, the Commissioner of Internal Revenue may continue to exercise his power to allow a different venue/place in the filing of tax returns. (Section 9[8], Revenue Regulation No. 12-2018. January 25, 2018)