Nanolan v. Agrinanas Dev (G.R. No. 240075. August 20, 2018)

CASE DIGEST: G.R. No. 240075, August 20, 2018. EDGAR T. NANOLAN V. AGRINANAS DEV. COMPANY, INC. AND/OR FRANCUCCI O. RABANES (HR MANAGER) AND MS. ROSSANA C. CALINGIN (HR DIRECTOR). G.R. No. 240075 - Edgar T. Nanolan v. Agrinanas Dev. Company, Inc. and/or Francucci O. Rabanes (HR Manager) and Ms. Rossana C. Calingin (HR Director). FACTS: Petitioner was convicted of murder. The Labor Arbiter, the NLRC and the CA found that petitioner was validly dismissed on the ground of conviction for a crime involving moral turpitude, which warranted the penalty of dismissal pursuant to respondent Agrinanas Development Company, Inc.'s Employee Discipline System. ISSUE: Petitioner now wants the Supreme Court to look into whether his conviction involved moral turpitude and, hence, can be the valid basis or ground for his dismissal. He also alleges unfair labor practice on the part of his employer. HELD: As aptly ruled by the three tribunals, the circumstances of petitioner's case s...