Electric company cannot 'cut power' w/o prior notice even if connection illegal

The core issue in the case of MERALCO v. Spouses Sulpicio (G.R. No. 195145. February 10, 2016) is whether MERALCO had the right to immediately disconnect the electric service of the respondents Sulpicio upon discovery of an outside connection attached to their electric meter . RELEVANT FACTS: On November 5, 1999, MERALCO’s service inspector inspected the respondents’ electrical facilities and found an outside connection attached to their electric meter. The service inspector traced the connection, an illegal one, to the residence and appliances of Nieves, a neighbor and relative. Nieves was the only one present during the inspection and she was the one who signed the Metering Facilities Inspection Report. Due to the discovery of the illegal connection, the service inspector disconnected the respondents’ electric services on the same day. The inspection and disconnection were done without the knowledge of the respondents as they were not at home and their house was closed at t...