Laws shall take effect after fifteen days following the completion of their publication in the Official Gazette [or in any newspaper of general circulation in the Philippines], unless it is otherwise provided. This Code shall take effect one year after such publication. (Article 2 of the New Civil Code)
- When does a law take effect?
- What does publication mean?
- When did the New Civil Code take effect?
- What is the Official Gazette?
- Does "unless it is other provided" mean that the publication requirement is dispensable?
- Is the 15-day period absolute?
- What if the law says that it shall take effect "immediately after approval"?
- What if the law says that it shall take effect "immediately?"
- What is a "newspaper of general circulation"?
- Is publication online sufficient compliance with the publication requirement?
- Should decisions of the Supreme Court be published?
- Should administrative rules and regulations be published?
- Should legislative resolutions be published?
- Should LGU ordinances be published?
- If a law has 20 provisions but only 15 of said provisions was published (to save money), when will the law take effect?