Liability of city or municipal force (Article 34, Civil Code)

Article 34 lays down the availability of a separate and independent civil
action against any member of a city or municipal police force who refuses or
fails to air or protect in cases of danger to life or property. What makes
this provision of law more powerful is the imposition of a subsidiary
liability on the part of the city or municipality. Paras, however, explains:
"Incidentally, this Article does not grant to the government the defense of
due diligence in the selection and supervision of the policemen."
The reason why a police officer is liable in case he refuses to give help or
protection to anyone whose life or property is in danger is that he is usually
the person to whom people turn to for protection. To the people, the policeman
is the external symbol of the government’s power and authority. (See Jarencio
on Torts and Damages, 1979 ed., p. 208)