Constitution's nature, concepts; definitions

[1] Election law;
[2] Voting rights law;
[3] Campaign finance law;
[4] Laws governing lobbying and lobbyists;
[5] Open government laws;
[6] Legislative and executive branch ethics codes;
[7] Legislative procedure;
[8] Administrative procedure;
[9] Constitutional law; and
[10] Legislative and regulatory drafting. Political laws are applied primarily to government officials, candidates, advocacy groups, lobbyists, businesses, nonprofit organizations, and trade unions.
According to Cruz & Cruz (2014), political law is that branch of public
law which deals with the organization and operations of the governmental
organs of the State and defines the relations of the State with the
inhabitants of its territory. This definition, basically, can be summarized
into: that branch of public law which governs the relationship and
interactions within the government and between it and the people.
In the Philippines, political law covers constitutional law, administrative
law, election law, law on public officers and law on municipal corporations.
The first is that branch of political law which deals with the nature of,
formation of, amendments to and interpretations of the constitution,
especially the powers of the State, the rights of the people and separation of
powers. The second is that which deals with administrative organizations and
operations, competence of offices, commissions and tribunals and the remedies
available to citizens having transactions with said offices, etc.
The third deals with the process of selecting those who will wield the powers
of government, including rules, laws and regulations about voter's
registration, controversies, disputes, contests, returns and other matters
flowing from the right of suffrage of the people. The fourth is related to the
first in the sense that public officers' law deals with qualifications and
eligibility of public officers and officials; it is also the field that covers
questions on whether a public office exists, changes to said office,
dissolution of such office, who is eligible to assume such office and the
modes of terminating official relations, including the rights, duties, powers,
inhibitions and liabilities attached to such office.
The last one is about local governments - provinces, cities, municipalities
and barangays. It also deals with such governments' powers and liabilities and
with how they are created, organized and abolished.