State policy; periodic review of frequency allocation
R.A. No. 7925 recognizes the vital role of telecommunications to national
development and security and provides that the radio frequency shall be managed
and directed to serve the public interest. Being a limited resource, the law
mandates a periodic review of frequency allocation.
Telecommunications is essential to the economic development, integrity and
security of the Philippines, and as such shall be developed and administered
as to safeguard, enrich and strengthen the economic, cultural, social and
political fabric of the Philippines. The growth and development of
telecommunications services shall be pursued in accordance with certain
policies such as the one described in the paragraph below.
The radio frequency spectrum is a scarce public resource that shall be
administered in the public interest and in accordance with international
agreements and conventions to which the Philippines is a party and granted to
the best qualified. The government shall allocate the spectrum to service
providers who will use it efficiently and effectively to meet public demand
for telecommunications service and may avail of new and cost effective
technologies in the use of methods for its utilization.
The radio frequency spectrum allocation and assignment shall be subject to
periodic review. The use thereof shall be subject to reasonable spectrum user
fees. Where demand for specific frequencies exceed availability, the
Commission shall hold open tenders for the same and ensure wider access to
this limited resource.