G.R. No. 214122, June 08, 2016 AUTOZENTRUM ALABANG, INC., Petitioner, v. SPOUSES MIAMAR A. BERNARDO AND GENARO F. BERNARDO, JR., DEPARTMENT OF TRADE AND INDUSTRY, ASIAN CARMAKERS CORPORATION, AND BAYERISHE MOTOREN WERKE (BMW) A.G., Respondents. FACTS: Spouses Bernardo bought a 2008 BMW 320i sports car, in the amount of P2,990,000, from petitioner Autozentrum, a domestic corporation and authorized dealer of BMW vehicles. On October 2009 until January 2011, Sps. Bernardo have recurrent visits to Petitioner Autozentrum due to malfunction and defect of different parts of said car. Spouses Bernardo then allege that Autozentrum violated Article 50(b) and (c), in relation to Article 97, of RA 7394, when it sold to them a defective and used car, instead of a brand new one. Autozentrum, however, claims that Spouses Bernardo failed to prove the elements of deceit or misrepresentation under Article 50, and injury under Article 97. The DTI and CA decided in favor of Sps. Bernardo and ordered ...