Contents published on the PJP website are scored or rated according to reliability. The rating system is as follows.

A content tagged as "PJP JOURNAL" has been peer reviewed by senior paralegals and law professors. This is the highest score in the PJP content reliability rating system. Such content bears a favorable recommendation for citation and is docketed as, e.g., "123 PJP 456."

Thus, the elements of the PJP JOURNAL reliability rating are: [published] + [recommended for citation] + [docketed] + [peer-reviewed].

A content tagged as "PJP BLOG" contains a favorable recommendation for citation and is docketed as, e.g., "123 PJP 456." However, it has not yet been peer reviewed by senior paralegals and law professors. This is a middle-level score in PJP content reliability system.

Thus, the elements of the PJP BLOG reliability rating are: [published] + [recommended for citation] + [docketed].

A content tagged as "PJP UNDOCKETED" has not yet been peer reviewed by senior paralegals and law professors and has not yet received any favorable recommendation for citation from the admin team of PJP. It is published as an ordinary content that may or may not be queued up for citation recommendation or peer review.

Thus, the elements of the PJP UNDOCKETED reliability rating are: [published] + [undocketed citation].

A content published on the PJP website contains one of the following preliminary notices:

  1. PJP JOURNAL: This journal entry has been peer reviewed by senior paralegals and law professors. Please see the recommended citation above with the citation tag "PJP."
  2. PJP BLOG: Although this content has received a favorable recommendation for citation from the admin team of PJP, it is not yet considered a peer-reviewed journal entry.
  3. PJP UNDOCKETEDThis content is yet to be peer reviewed and has not yet received any favorable recommendation for citation. It may or may not be queued up for citation recommendation or peer review. Caution is advised.
Preliminary notices usually include:
  1. "[NO RECOMMENDED CITATION]" -- for contents tagged as PJP UNDOCKETED.
  2. "RECOMMENDED CITATION: LAST NAME, First Name M.I. (Year), “Title of the Journal Entry, Blog, or Post,” [##] PJP [##], available at <insert link> (last accessed on <date>)" -- for contents tagged as PJP BLOG or PJP JOURNAL.
  3. "CONTACT US: For immediate action on requests, comments, concerns, suggestions, and other forms of feedback, please message us on Facebook at" -- for all contents.
For example, a content tagged as PJP UNDOCKETED contains the following preliminary notice:

PJP UNDOCKETED: This content is yet to be peer reviewed and has not yet received any favorable recommendation for citation. It may or may not be queued up for citation recommendation or peer review. Caution is advised.

CONTACT US: For immediate action on requests, comments, concerns, suggestions, and other forms of feedback, please message us on Facebook at